Today is "Day 236" post transplant and everything is pretty much normal. Except for the need to get back some stamina, Adele is very much just as she was pre cancer. Her hair is a bit shorter and undyed, but she is delighting in the ease of getting ready in the morning with her new "doo".
Cancer is gone, life and all its quirkyness is back to normal. Sometimes I wish for these past 2 years to disappear and never have been, but I know that is not posssible. I do thank God everyday for healing Adele, and giving me the strength to care for her. Now I need strength to carry on while she prepares for getting back to work next year.
So much else to say, just no need now - you all know how much I appreciate everything you have done for us. Thank you many times over, and may God Bless You Always.
With Love - Rick