- No matter how much you want to empathsize with that person. Do Not Talk About Your Friend or Anyone and end it with "But they died". What an easy way to kill all hope and thrust someone into deep despair.
- No matter what you think you know about cancer like Lymphomia, unless you are an Oncologist, there are too many different types of cancer to make any kind of association with a friend - that died in 3 months.
- Listen to them, hug them, pray for them (with them if they are OK with that), get them on a prayer list. BUT Do Not say anything that is Negative. It Does Not Help At All. Those words just hurt and bring down the person with cancer. Be supportive and uplifting, not down and dreary. Love the person, they do not need to hear about death.
Adele is attempting to get her First Yearly checkup arranged, so she can get back to the second grade classroom in January. I feel that the cancer is gone and beaten. Pray for that to be the case.
In the mean time we will be traveling to Georgia and Christmas in the south. Eric, Julie and Ruby are anxious to see us and spend Christmas with us. Julie will be working most of the time, but we will get tons of Ruby time in.
Thanks to everyone that has been watching these pages. - Rick