Home again, Home again, Jigety Jig
Surgery was on Oct 17th, 2013. Everything went well, according to the surgeon, although the area between L3 & L4 was so compressed that it took quite a while to heal everything straightened out.I woke in recovery and immediately realized, this surgery was not like the last. I still had pain in the inner thigh on the right leg, and it stayed with me for the next few days, even through the morphine drip. That made me more concerned and in the end gave me a very bad night Oct 17th. I did not sleep at all, suffering sweating all night although my temp was 97.4. A headache plagued me all night along with all the noise in hospitals. Finally around 5am I was catching a 1/2 nap when they woke me for getting my stats. My Surgeon's Asst stopped in on Friday morning and verified that - even though the leg pain is still there, the nerves were so smashed together and compressed by the spine, they good in their prognosis of a good recovery, and that it would take a few months for some of the pain to abate.
Adele got there Friday morning and we talked about it, she was a great help in calming my worries. Weird, that is not usually the way that works out. A Lay Pastor from LCBC visited and we had a good discussion together. Then I was able to catch naps and work with the nurses there easily. Adele was helpful with the cutting food during my lunch and dinner (sliced turkey and gravy both meals) and then she left for the night.
Friday night was much more pleasant Friday night. Saturday morning was busy with X-Rays and Physical Therapy appointments. PT passed me, with no need to use a cane or walker, so things started looking up. Lunch came, along with Adele and news that I might be released soon, if all the doctors agreed, as Physical Therapy had already OKd my exit.
Saturday afternoon, Adele and I walked in the house together, my first time since Thursday morning. What a great feeling to be home, in my own surroundings (including my own bathroom). We took a walk together Saturday afternoon, and although I needed to stop a few times, pain was not an issue, just strength.