Wednesday, May 27, 2009

May 27 - Day 126

One Hundred Twenty Six days ago, Adele had a Stem Cell Transplant (also called a Bone Marrow Transplant "BMT").

Last Wednesday she had a cat scan and today the doctor told us, there is almost no change from the scan taken at John Hopkins on day 64 - or 62 days ago. That means the cancer is still in remission! PTL Adele was finally able to breath and believe that this worked. She is still a bit swollen in the groin but, maybe (just maybe) she is getting some fatty tissue there and finally gaining some weight.

The doctor agreed with me also, that she looks better without the wig. Her hair is growing back and she looks cute with it that way. We almost have matching haircuts, but I should color mine silver to match. He also said, her blood numbers are coming up, slowly, but coming up and are close to being OK. Her platelet count is 60,000 and should be about 150,000 - 400,000, but is OK and she should not worry about the counts any more. In fact, he said she could go to once a month for blood work, making it less of a hassle and helping with the worry about "what if they are down".

She is also allowed to be in groups now, so we can get to our son's graduation? party - he has been taking courses since Feb this year. We also are planning a week in GA to see Eric, Julie and Ruby! We leave June 12th and will be back the 22nd for our next doctor appointment. Well - there goes June. I think I might even have to get a tattoo to celebrate.

Great day for us, now all we need is for my back to start working again, and we will be fine!

Thanks again to everyone

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Tuesday after Holiday

OK, I admit, my back still hurts way too much. I had so much fun Sunday, I am still paying for it. I think I will need to stop picking up the grandchildren. Mason loves to be picked up and turned upside down - kinda like a roller coaster ride - scary but he always says "Do it again Pop Pop".

I sat, lay down and took pain killers all day Monday, so I cannot do that again. I think I even gave Tom a backache when he offered to help me get up from the floor, just before we left for home. I was stiff and hurting already, and came up slowly.

Adele is up and 'looking forward?' to tomorrow when we get the cat scan results. It has not been easy waiting for the past week, I do wish they could have called and said "no problems" or something. But we wait for the Oncologist appointment with - fear, trepidation, worry?? All the wait does is prolong the feelings about what it "might, or could" be.

Adele is also growing hair again, and is looking better every day. More strength and filling out again. I have asked her to ditch the wig around the house, as I think she looks better without it. I am just not into hugging a polyester wrapped head - or running my fingers through the stiff polyester hair on the wig and being careful not to dislodge it again.

Any way - watch tomorrow night for news on the cat scan results.

Thanks - Rick

Monday, May 25, 2009

Memorial Day

We celebrated with our regular family picnic Sunday afternoon. Had way too much food to eat, the taco dip was decimated, the dinner was also, as was the desserts - everyone had a blast. Frisbee played with my hat at first, then a real Frisbee. Later Bocce Ball on the front lawn. Kaelyn is great at Bocce, as is her daddy.

I was in a bad mood most of the day, until I started having fun with the grandkids. Adele started the day off worrying about her cat scan again. I took it bad and could not get out of the mood. Feel down today also. Hopefully the day is bright and I get a chance to escape with the Vette.

Thanks to all - Rick

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Cat Scan is done - Now we wait

Since last week, and the oncologist visit we have gone through a range of emotions. The Cat scan was done by 9 am this morning and now we wait until next Wednesday for results on our Oncologist visit then. Adele is resting, nerves caused a bit of bowel problems, so she is a bit weak.

My dad had a tooth extracted yesterday, with some unusual events before. Hopefully the weird stuff he was saying is all from the abscess. I hear there is an old Chinese saying "Abscess makes the fart go Honda" - well his sounded more like a Yamaha.. ;) Last night Mom said he seemed to be better and comfortable, so hopefully he had a good night rest.

Our neighbor Daryl is in the hospital for surprise surgery this morning, so I have been letting out their dogs this morning. He should be fine, but any emergency like this could be devastating on the nerves, since it was so unexpected. Adele saw him outside yesterday - and he said stay away, I am very sick and not sure what it is. Turns out - it is not contagious at all, just painful.

Our friend in Laos is having more chemo treatments again, so he still has a way to recover.

We celebrate the Memorial Day weekend with a cookout at my brothers house this Sunday, with kids and Mom & Dad there. Everyone should be there except the GA portion of the family. We will be visiting that portion over the Father's Day time. I have been displaying their pics on this blog - as a slide show. Hope you all enjoy them.

I wish all a good weekend with family - remember all the soldiers you know and have known the weekend.

Thanks - Rick

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Day 111 post transplant

OK - visited the oncologist last night and he gave us good news. The swelling is probably due to the 24 days of antibiotics Adele had in the past weeks, ending only around two or three days before she noticed the swelling. He asked her about any antibiotics she had recently and she forgot that she had just finished them. I spoke up and he immediately was asking about how long and which did she take. He thumped and prodded her, and said gas is what it is. Prescribed Beano or GasX to relieve it. I ran out so I guess we need to get some today.

Also he talked about a CAT scan, and that the end of May would be the right time (2 months from last scan) to do it. So we will have some more blood testing (going to every 2 weeks in June) and a Cat scan, and then see him at the end of May again.

I believe this was the best news we could have asked for. Not only did he surmise what the cause was, but also that it is a minor disturbance for Adele. We both felt relieved as we drove home last night. Made more beef, mashed potatoes and gravy for supper and had a good evening at home.

Thanks to all who are praying for her - it is working!


Sunday, May 10, 2009

Next week will tell a story

Monday we have an oncologist appointment, to check if the swelling that Adele has is anything. Possible outcome is wait - or get a CAT scan for a closer look. I believe Adele is looking for a CAT scan to be done to put her at ease about what is happening.

But for now, this has been a good weekend.

Saturday was Mother's Day dinner here. Shannon & Tom, with Kaelyn & Mason, along with Mom & Dad all had a great eye roast dinner. Mashed potatoes with plenty of butter, half n half and Philly cream cheese with chives (almost forgot the garlic salt and nutmeg). Green beans, cole slaw, cranberry relish and rolls finished the dinner nicely. Hand sliced the roast thinly and everyone loved my spices I used on it.

Today, Adele and I went to church services - probably first time since November for her. It was good to go together and not so crowded at the 8:30 service, so easier to slip out after the service. Walter had another great sermon on Coming Out Into the Rain (of the Holy Spirit), with displays asking us to take off all rain gear, so we could be soaked by the Spirit. The series started last week, when it was pouring rain outside, I think God did that one just for Walter.

If I am quiet this week, it is because things are going well, and we are busy. Otherwise - I will see you all later.

Love ya all - Rick
Ruby Celebrated in GA

Thursday, May 7, 2009

A good week

It's been over a week since last posting - I have been dreading somewhat the putting down of what has been happening.

Last week on Friday evening, Adele noticed swelling in the groin area, and spent the weekend dreading the possibility of cancer coming back. Friday night and Saturday were not easy times here in the Stauffer household.

Sunday, I went to "Young Eagles Fly-in" at Capital City Airport. We had 6 Corvettes there, CPCC also had 6 - 8 Corvettes there and there were also Vipers, a Prowler, some hot rods, many police cars, Harleys and of course planes and helicopters. The State Police helicopter was on display, as was a military plane. The kids enjoyed riding with us - getting to 70 mph as fast as they could and just having fun. The police cars had sirens blasting and lights flashing during all of their rides - kind of spooky gunning the engine and having a police car behind you with the siren blaring, and not stopping you. I left early when I called Adele and she said she had called Mom and was with her - another bad day.

Monday - oncologist appointment at 4:15 and he was very pleased with her progress so far, and downplayed any possibility the cancer could possibly come back so soon, even after his exam. Adele started to feel better almost immediately and we stopped in Lititz for dinner with Mom & Dad before going home.

Tuesday - Thursday, very minor breaks in the good feeling for Adele. She is trying to get out and do more, for strength building and just to get away from the house. Good idea is what I think. Next Monday is another oncologist appt. so I will probably wait to post more until then. If he feels concerned, or a least bit suspicious about anything, he will order a Cat scan for next week.

See you all next week then - Rick Stauffer