Adele and I are having a great time in Georgia! Ruby is growing up to be a doll and she loves to be held by her Pop Pop. Of course I am crazy about her and do anything to gt her to enjoy our visit. She mimics so much now, I laid on the floor, on my back and she came over and laid down next to me, on her back. She dances to music, and "Peanut Butter Jelly Time" that Eric and Julie say to her. She 'reads' books and loves being able to go to her bookshelf and bring book after book to me as we sit and read them on the floor. She sits down for the book, and then when finished, she goes and gets another. Soon she will be taking them back also. She eats almost everything we do, no baby food for her! We had subs the other day and some had banana peppers in them, and I found out she loves banana peppers. You should have seen the look on Julie's face - 'You gave her a pepper?'
Anyway, you all get the picture, we are having a blast. Monday Julie and Ruby took Adele shopping at Target, out to lunch at McDonald's and the playground there. Then they dropped off Ruby for me and went food shopping. Tuesday Julie took the dog for a trim and had a doctor appointment. Seems Julie has some scarring on the lungs - Pray for a resolution there. Then Julie and Adele left me with Ruby and went to Patty's hair salon. They both had cuts - look wonderful - and had a ball there. I'll see more of Patty and Chris Saturday at the party Eric and Julie are hosting. Oh - Ruby was tired and ended up sleeping 2 hours for me, so I got in some CSI oldies and PC time.
Eric is busy every day with work, but pops in to get things in his office or check on Ruby and I. Friday we are driving the Mini to a dealer to have some problems straightened out, still under warranty so the 2 hour drive is worth it. Tonight I make Filet Mignon cooked in butter for Eric and I, Julie and Adele are going out to supper and a movie like they always do when we are here. They both love the together time so much, I would never take that away or complain about it. I just tease and get filet mignon for Eric and I. Ruby is staying with the guys.
Oh almost forgot, last night after a chicken dinner - we had homemade shortcakes and strawberries. Fantastic once more! Adele uses the recipe on the Bisquick box and they are great. Uncle Scott came over - he provided the box of strawberries and joked he needed a double size shortcake. He left filled and I think enjoyed it.
More later - Prayers for safe travel all week.
So loved reading this! Part of me wants to be there doing all these fun things with all of you - lol. What a great vacation you are having. Enjoy enjoy!