Tuesday, April 28, 2009

2 good days in a row!

Sunday was the pits as a whole.

Monday morning, the doctors office called about the CT Scan and chest X-Ray from Friday night. Both were normal with no abscesses. Made my day and Adele's. Had a good visit with Dr Balepur (oncologist) also, and now Adele is on once a week blood tests.

Tuesday she woke up and was cheerful all day so far. Took a walk after lunch, and a nap right now.

Thank You Lord for such peacefulness, she deserves it.

Thanks to everyone - Rick

Sunday, April 26, 2009

A Day of peace on the surface - Day 95

Monday is the day Adele gets her report back on her sinus CT scan. She of course is preparing for a hospital stay, or not. She has been worried all day, and so I stayed around the house working on the yard all day. When I did have to go out for 1 1/2 hours, she finally decided to have Yvonne over to talk.

She is still convinced that she will have to have something else done to cure her sinus problems, even though Dr Meade from JH says - get used to it, it is normal for BMT patients to have this on and off.

Tonight she has decided to stay in the lazy boy and try to get some sleep sitting up, so the sinus can drain all night. We shall see how that goes.

Pray for yet more good news... If it keeps coming, maybe she will believe it soon.


Friday, April 24, 2009

Here we go again

Today looks like a day to be upset.


Thursday, April 23, 2009

Again - What a difference

What a difference a doctor can make in this journey.

Adele has been suffering for 2 weeks with this sinus condition, and since Sunday has been suffering mentally as well. She keeps worrying that her sinus condition is more sever than it is, and will not stop. She emailed Dr Meade @ John Hopkins this week, and received a reply on Tuesday? morning. The reply was short and simple, but it was taken in a different way than it should have been.

He told her that childhood immunizations will be given to her at 12, 14 and 24 months after transplant. Then went on to say that he recommends against being with sick children. --- Whoa --- I emailed a response to that, since Adele said she might not be able to teach until 2011, and got a quick reply from the doctor that he wants to talk with us, Wednesday between 2 and 4 PM. OK, I forget going to PA Breast Cancer and installing a hard drive, and wait for the call.

Wednesday he called and went over everything, and also said (without saying you can go back in xx months) that - after 6 months from the transplant, you are OK to work if you are strong enough to do it. Basically the Dapsone they have her on for 6 months is the key, after it is done, then she is OK to do more (ie work). He also said that with her "New" immune system, "you are like a toddler, and will get many of these sinus problems. Your body and immune system has to reacquaint itself with all of life around you." Cat hair, pollen, mold, etc.. She will need to develop her own way of dealing with these things, she is in for many more sinus conditions in the next year or more, according to him. This is the norm, not the exception.

Today (Thursday) she woke up and seemed to be in a much better mood. Of course we watched "Thou Shalt Laugh" last night and just laughed so hard we hurt. Anyway - the mood, perception, outlook, of a person can be altered drastically by a good or bad word. A good word in this case was, the doc saying this is normal, expect to have more like this. The bad, last week when another doc says we might have to do surgery on your sinus, and that it is dangerous surgery.

She has already planned to babysit the grandkids this weekend, and is feeling much better. Now to get her doing things without doing too much. She just need to get stronger and keep being as positive as she can. Of course - Positive Rick - is always there to make sure she knows that, hopefully without being too much of a pain.

Pray for peace with her condition and knowledge that this will be a long slope up to health again. She is capable of knowing that, she just needs a push once in awhile to keep going up the slope. It is no longer a hill to climb, just a mild slope.

Sometimes slopes are hard to bear, but eventually you get to the top and can rejoice in that, it just takes longer.

Thanks - Rick

Also pray for Somsavath as he is back in surgery for a small leak in his intestine.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Day 90 after transplant

Only 10 days from Day 100 and the first milestone.

Adele is still suffering from a sinus condition, which blocks fluids from draining and puffs up her nose and cheeks. She is trying to sleep on 2 pillows, but is uncomfortable and fitful all night. Can't even cuddle properly, but that's not so new as it was worse when she had 2 catheters in at one time. She is still taking antibiotics, using a saline low pressure nasal wash and other measures every day. It seems to take forever to get better. She did make another doctors appointment for this week, just to make sure everything is OK.

I have a major problem with wondering every day what mood will Adele be in? Is she going to be positive? Is she going to be down about her slowness to recover, if it really is slow, we don't do BMTs every day. Will she want to go somewhere or sleep in and stay in PJs all day? Ha, that has not happened for awhile - Thanks God. Anyway, I am trying to get things done and get out of the house as many times as I can, without running away all the time. Have to balance the running away with sitting, hugging and soothing.

Mornings are the worst, and by later afternoon Adele seems to be much better. I have started saying when asked how she is "She is doing well right now, not sure about tomorrow yet." That is our life for the past 18 months since this NHL was found. We have gone from quick highs to lasting lows BUT we have had much more help than I ever thought we would see from everyone around us. Hopefully by the end of this summer she will be strengthened and not suffering from any more problems.

We are looking at the possibility of her teaching starting back next year (2010) after her immunizations are done and she is immune from all the childhood problems again. Thats another 9 or 10 months - wow what a thought, alone with her for another 10 months. Free to travel anywhere we want for 7 - 10 days (as long as by car, and free lodging). Maybe Georgia will see us 2 times this summer and fall?

Thanks to all - Rick

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Saturday afternoon

What a difference a day or two make. Adele had a doctor appointment Friday morning, changed from Fri afternoon as she was super concerned about her problem. The doctor took one look at her and exclaimed how much better she looked. He gave her hints (use 2 pillows to keep her head higher when sleeping) after I said her face was more swollen in the morning than the evening. Wow! One night and she woke up this morning looking more like herself than anytime in the past week. Her face really looks better now, for awhile it looked like she was on steroids.

Her mental attitude also changed after the doctors appt. She came out feeling much better and we stopped at CVS, Weis, and PA Breast Cancer Coalition afterwards. She has had a great Saturday, and is feeling much more like her normal self. We are going to small group tomorrow, so that is a big change again.

I pulled the top down on the Vette and ran to Reading and the Outlet and Lowes for supplies. All that after a 3 hour lawn duty break. All the mulch is gone, I need more, grass is mown and all the weeds are pulled. Tomorrow looks like another nice day - maybe I will be able to get out the high pressure hose and clean the shed and house. We, like many others, are also battling ants in the house. This is the BIG time for that, and the ant killer aisle was jammed at Lowes.

Thanks to all for the prayers. Pray for continued healing in Adele's sinuses.


Friday, April 17, 2009

What a long week

Adele is on antibiotics for a drip in the nasal area. She is also on two other meds for the same problem, and using saline wash for her sinus every day. We have gone the gamut of emotions - from "Why am I so weak" to "Why am I feeling so normal" in this week.

Today is her Doctor appointment - family physician - and I plan on attending to make sure I get everything right. Tuesday night he called and mentioned many items, including a Cat scan for the sinus, surgery, immune system compromise, etc. Wednesday I found out by calling both doctor offices, that he did in fact speak with the oncologist and agreed to wait until Friday (today) to access the condition then.

Of course in all of this, my new LCD arrived and was totally damaged beyond repair. Waited for the last 2 years and finally had some extra - IRS did not need any extra in April for 2008 or 2009 - so I ordered the LCD and it is already dead. I am attempting to resolve the problem with the shipper but have not heard anything yesterday, after great communication Wednesday. I am now losing sleep over worry about that, and Adele. Adele is the more important one in this.

Pray for better news from the doctor today. Pray for a strengthening of purpose and help in keeping positive thoughts in the forefront.

Wednesday, I went to church to work on the projection PC and had to call a vendor for support. After the call was finished I quickly mentioned that I had delayed in getting the problem resolved because of my need to be with Adele over the past 6 months. The support person immediately knew that she would need to listen, and offered a beautiful prayer for Adele and I. Such a wonder to have people like her on the support line. Of course, it was CCLI and SongSelect, a church oriented service, but she helped me tremendously that day. I just cryed and cryed when I finished the conversation, just needed let it all out and released all the hurt and stress. I felt God next to me while she prayed and was able to stay positive about all this afterwards.

Thanks for all the prayers - Rick

Saturday, April 11, 2009

The Vette Rocks

I had a chance to have a dynometer run on my '90 Corvette today. It was a rainy Saturday, but we had more people there than had signed up, so it was a good day.

My L98 is rated at 245 horsepower and 340 torque as standard from the factory. I have wondered for the past 8 years, what does this car have in it. Well, I got my answer today.

Modifications are limited to K&N air filter and a redone exhaust with Flowmaster mufflers.

Rear wheel horsepower was 214.81, with all three runs being consistent - from 212.41 - 214.81. Translated into hp at engine, Bob said was around 286.4 horsepower and 396.4 torque. Way over factory numbers, and I was very happy. No wonder I have so much fun. BTW, he got the car to around 140 MPH which is a new high for it - as I have only been to 125 MPH in it.

Wow - was that fun or what?

Friday, April 10, 2009

Good Friday is here

Since I took Julie and Ruby to the airport last Sunday morning, we have had an almost normal week. Make sure to check out all the Ruby Pics we posted.

Adele was certain she was sick on Sat evening and Sunday morning and called the family doctor for an appointment on Mon morning. She also cancelled and then un-cancelled her therapist appointment for Monday. I was not too happy about her cancelling such an important date.

Monday morning was foot doc for me, family doc for Adele and then therapist at noon for Adele. Yes, she has a very slight drainage down her throat and has received 3 or more medicines to take care of it. She started taking all of them, and then on Wed realized that the antibiotic gives her other problems, and called back for another type of antibiotic. She is weird sometimes, but knows what ails her more than I do - sometimes she is just over reacting and other times she is serious. It becomes harder and harder to differentiate between the two.

Dr Meade at JH was emailed by Adele Thursday and replied that her bone marrow sample was done and looked perfect! His words were, "Fresh from the oven .. your marrow was beautiful." She cried tears of joy when she saw that. I had kept saying he would have contacted us had the sample been a problem.

I plan on church this Sunday - she still is hesitant to go and be in crowds, even with the balcony almost deserted, she is not going. I want to get there for the service, as I know everyone will be there.

My friends are all better:

Somsavath in Laos is home, his son is back in the house again and he is recovering, and trying to get back to work.

My brother-in-law Jim M. has sent his manuscript to an agent in the UK and is hopeful that it will be printed. He has spent many years writing his story and it is a very interesting read, with his many years of service as a helicopter pilot in the Vietnam War.

Molly is back from JH - wow a short 3 night stay there - and I have it from good sources that she is getting better every day. Last I heard, she was concerned about moving from the bed to a chair, and now she is sitting in the chair comfortably! There is much more healing to be done, but she is a survivor.

Thank you all again for the prayers of hope, strength and healing. We appreciate everything you have done.

Rick & Adele Stauffer

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Last full day with Ruby & Julie

We started the day with a breakfast with Mom, Dad, my brother Jim, his wife Shirley and the 4 of us at Oregon Dairy. The breakfast was good, talk was loud and fun, many conversations flowed around the table. We left for home and a few hours rest, with Adele going to bed to try and sleep. I think the morning was too much for her.

She tried to sleep for a few hours and then came downstairs to join us. Around noon, Pete & Cathy (Eric's mom & dad) and Eric's brother Scott and Amanda (his fiance) all came to visit with Ruby. Again, talk flowed around the room while people were taking pictures. Again, this was very tiring to Adele. We had a great lunch around 1:30, with Pete cooking most of it. Eye of round, sliced thin and covered in gravy, stacked on good Italian rolls with horseradish and cheese. Paula Dean's orange brownies, some tomato pie (like pizza without the cheese), chips and soda.

After they left, Adele went back to bed to rest and was not successful in sleeping, again. Around 7:30 or so, we tried to get Ruby ready for bed, and then the fun started. Ruby cried, and cried, and screamed. We tried gum numbing solution, gas drops, Tylenol drops and much walking around with her and holding her tight. She did not want us to sit down, just walk and keep her moving. Scary feeling, not knowing what was the problem. She tried to take a bottle, just did not want it after a few gulps.

Finally she quieted enough that Julie was successful in getting her to bed. 9 pm, I think, it was all a blur. We stared at TV for awhile, with Julie, then Adele going to bed. Of course, here I am an hour later, blogging.

Julie & Ruby are flying out tomorrow morning. I added more pictures to the picasaweb page.

Peaceful night to all - Rick

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Back from JH with good news

We met with Dr Meade around 2:30 today and he greeted us with, "I am so happy for you two!" Talk about a great way to find out the tests results were very good. The CAT Scan was clear and free of cancer. The lymph nodes were the correct size (under 1 cm) with only one slightly enlarged at 1.2 cm. Some were over 3 cm when we started this last September. He did find a blip in the heartbeat and had us get a EKG right away.

We also had a chance to drop into Molly's room on the 4th floor of the same building as our appointment. She was looking great after having a 8 - 9 hour surgery yesterday. She will need some help once at home, and I am sure Larry is working on that. We were there just after Larry and some friends left for lunch. So it was nice to talk with Molly. I had not been sure she would be ready to talk by then. She might come home Sat or Sun this week.

We got home around 5:30 and had a good supper, cooking all day in the crock pot. Bottom round roast, potatoes, onion, mushrooms, beef broth and cream of celery soup. Forgot to add the carrots this morning...

Thanks for everyone's prayers. Adele is declared in remission and is greatly relieved with this news. The Lord has helped us greatly.

We continue to love having Ruby (and Julie of course) here for the week, but that will come to an end on Sunday morning. I have spent every possible moment with Ruby and Julie, stopping work to be with them. We hope to visit GA in June and get in another possible visit later in July or August.

Thank you all for being so supportive. We appreciate it all.

Rick & Adele

Day 71 - Back to JH for Doctor Appointment

Today, Adele & I travel to Baltimore for our 60 day evaluation. The tests were done last week and should be ready to see today. We are both praying for good results from the BMT. We plan on visiting Molly & Larry on the 3rd floor of the Weinberg building, we will be on the 1st floor for the appointment.

Julie & Ruby will be going to Lancaster and a visit with Krisha in her studio, and probably a walk around town. Julie has not seen her for quite awhile, probably since the wedding. She is excited to get to see one of her friends while here in Lancaster County.

I spent the past 2 hours playing with Ruby and walking her around the house - looking into mirrors, at pictures, out the door and watching the cat. She loved it all, until her tummy said "FEED ME" :-). Had to get her diaper changed and then feed her - of course her mommy did that, I just help. The best 2 hours of my day are when I get to be alone with Ruby and just talk with her and enjoy holding her. I am up early, so I let the girls sleep and I take Ruby with me.

I know the tests are done and the results are in, but Pray for good results anyway. Also for safe travel for all of us as we go different ways today.

Thanks - Rick