Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Evening has come to our household

We received an email from John Hopkins (Dr Meade) today. Adele was shocked by it but I thought it explained everything needed well.

Dr Meade agrees with Dr Balepur (Lancaster oncologist) that Adele probably should have a biopsy first. Dr M also asked her to read a research / study paper attached. If she was accepted in the study, she would have another BMT (bone marrow transplant) but a "mini transplant" this time, from a close relative. We are not sure who that might include, but it would be blood relative. These are also called "sister transplants" and we learned about them in December 2008 in our BMT class.

We need to make an appointment to see Dr M and talk about the study and Adele will have to make the decision whether she wants to do this or not. The study has a new way of choosing the donor for the transplant. It has to do with polymorphism testing and how stem cells bind to rituximab.

More as we know - Pray for PEACE


  1. Wow! Keep me posted......let me know details when you have them.

    Have a peaceful evening- I'm trying to do the same. Pray for you guys all the time. I just talked to Chris- he's thankful his 16 hour ordeal from yesterday and last night's drive is over. Really shook him up.

  2. Hi Rick & Adele.. it was very difficult not to speak w/ you last night, but I understand and realize now that it would have been more difficult to chat than to just send up my prayers and let you have "Peace & Quiet". Adele, my dear, best friend, I am shocked that you received this news. Know that Bill and & will be praying w/o ceasing...when he is going through his surgery and hospitalization, I'll continue on w/ those prayers for you.
    Rick..you know I will gladly return to JH once again.. when ever you need me. Thank you for keeping us informed. I'm sending you all my love, prayers and positive thoughts.
