Friday, February 5, 2010

Friday night waiting for the Big Snow

OK, I hear a snow mobile out on the street already, guess there is more there than I think.

Anyway, today has been a good, but exhausting day. I did a bit of work for Molly and Larry - Outlook kills the file! But Rick saves the day. Stopped in at PA Breast Cancer Coalition to answer some "rick questions" - glad to be of service there. Then after the bank and food shopping, back to home with Adele.

She helped me with the food shopping today, and then we came back for lunch and had a great talk. Seems she has decided to fight, and I was waiting for her to let me know. Now I do know and am ready for the long fight.

We talked about her needing to contact PSERS and probably look into Social Security, since she is 62 in May. The web site did not work for SS and she called them, found out she might (just might, say maybe 50/50) have a shot a a disability SS payment. She plans on checking into that and has an appointment with the SS office in Lancaster later this month.

At that point we both needed to lay down and just relax for awhile. Watched Amelia after a great steak burger supper (Thanks Eric and Julie) and she is reading while I watch AFV. Wonderful day, great snow storm coming tonight, and plenty of food and supplies for the weekend.

Meds are working wonderfully since the change a week and a half ago.

I will probably post again Monday - Thanks Rick


  1. glad she has decided to fight...I'll be here to fight w/ her along w/ many others, I'm sure. Your support network will be activated when you need us!!

  2. Let the fight begin! What a woman....

  3. We'll be there for you. Talk to you Sunday evening. Remember all you need to do is ask for something we might not think of.

  4. (from Exodus 17:8-16) As long as Moses kept his hands held high, the Israelites were winning the battle. As his hands grew tired, he had Aaron and Hur to hold them up. Rick and Adele, there are so many standing beside you through this fight. We will help hold your hands high if it not be through tangible means, it will most certainly be through prayer. We love you.
    Lisa B
