Monday was a roller coaster day again. Adele & I decided to get out and do something, to get her out of the house, before she is bound indoors from fear of infection. We love the pictures Julie keeps sending of Ruby, fashionable girl that she is. They help so much when we get them, Adele loves to just coo over each for a minute or two and look at every part of the picture. This is Monday's picture from Facebook!
She made an appointment for Dr Balepur on Friday, after which he will probably send her to LGH and the start of chemo. Dr B also scheduled a MUGA scan at LGH on Wed, cardiology scan. Other things this week include a dental appt on Tues, a haircut on Thursday, Social Security appt on Fri morning right before the doctor's visit. Oh, we are still trying to decide whether to try for the disability or not - as I just found out that it might get her on Medicare sooner than 65 and that would be disastrous for my health plans.
We stopped by the doctor's office and picked up papers, went to Boscov's and PJ shopped, I got some K-Kups and a new knife for veges (all of $2.99 on sale). Then home and lunch, after which Adele went upstairs to sleep a while, and I went to Weis to get groceries. At
Weis, I had a customer call, and decided to go to Lebanon Mon afternoon. Ran to Lebanon and fixed the problem, modem was too old for Win 7, and while I was driving back, I received a call from John Hopkins Hospital.
It seems that, our insurance is balking at covering the stem cell transplant, because of the research portion of it. They are calling it experimental, and do not want to pay for any of it. The nurse at JH that I talked with (part of Dr Meade's team) said she had many ways to convince them, not to worry. I suppose we could always ask for a "normal" sister transplant and be within the insurance companies standards. It will work out, just another way to get us both upset and more depressed. It hit Adele had, and she was quiet for the entire evening.
Tuesday, we plan on getting to the movies in the morning and having lunch at Isaac's in Lititz. That should be a good diversion, and then I can get back and work for the rest of the day.
Lately I cannot sleep well, even with ambien. I keep running through all the scenarios of her retirement plan and what we should do with the different plans they offer. Spreadsheets, checking out the different funds to invest in, etc. Sometimes it is just so much to think about, along with Social Security and whether I will have her with me in 5 years or not. I need to leave it up to the Lord, He will take care of us, He is carrying both of us on His shoulders right now.
Thank You Lord, for what You have done for us today, and what You will do for us tomorrow!
Praying for a peaceful, smoother Tuesday -y'all deserve it. Love to you both...may you feel God's strength upholding you, undergirding you today. Only one set of footprints in the sand as He carries you along.