Thursday, February 4, 2010

John Hopkins Visit with Dr Meade

Today, Thursday, Jan 4th, 2010, we met with our oncologist Dr Meade at John Hopkins Research Hospital. He recommended a "Mini" bone Marrow Transplant, using either her sister, or our children's marrow. Other options do not really exist for us at this time.

Without going into too much detail, we have it all, no need or want to rehash it. I will try to explain what will happen, should Adele decide to go ahead with his recommendation.

Duration, from start to end, will be 5 - 6 months until she is home and recovering here.

That time period includes:

    A biopsy of the cancer is needed, here in Lancaster through a surgeon, setup by Dr Balepur's office.

    Next, there will be 3 rounds of chemo, three weeks apart, for 9 weeks time span.

    During that chemo, blood tests will have to be done by potential donors, listed above. John Hopkins will Fed Ex them each the necessary items, they will need to get a local lab to do the blood draws, and the results and/or blood will need to be returned to John Hopkins ASAP.

    There will then be testing done at John Hopkins on Adele.

    The next step will be more chemo at John Hopkins, to prepare her for the stem cell transplant.

    The transplant is next, done within two or so hours of the bone marrow extraction from her donor (at John Hopkins).

    After the transplant, she will have 4 treatments of Rituxin to attack the cancer using the donor's stem cells.

    Then John Hopkins will have Adele come to the Outpatient clinic (IPOP) probably every day, for 30 to 60 days, before allowing her to come home.

This will bring us home in August or later this summer, so we will need much support and prayers during this time. One thought is that I will need to keep working, and as they will have Adele as an outpatient, we will need "Adele Sitters" for 3 days a week. Sitters are in charge of getting her to IPOP, cooking, bed making, and laughter making. If you think you could help during say May through August any time, I would be glad to have the help. We do not know what strength she will have, maybe the need to push a wheelchair will be part of this?

Of course, more later.

Tonight is cuddling, movie and junk food.

Thanks - Rick


  1. Thanks for the update and all the information - I am sure it is overwhelming to you both but yet also sounds extremely thorough and promising. I hope your evening gave you some good down time to absorb everything you learned today. God goes with you, and before you - tell Adele I'll talk to her on Friday.

  2. Hi..thanks for all the much to take-in and consider... you know, I am here for you and will help as before.
    Have Adele call me when she feels up for another "girlfriend chat"!! I am pretty home-bound w/ Bill, so I'm just a phone call away:-)


  3. Oh yes, and I'd like to be an Adele sitter at some point (or two or three....)

  4. A lot to consider, but at least you know what could be instore. I would like to be an Adele sitter also. I'll talk to you on Sunday about the dates I wouldn't be available. Also remember we're due to go out for lunch.

  5. I am so sorry to hear that you guys are going through this...again. Adele left such kind, inspiring messages on my Dad's Caring Bridge page, which was appreicated so much! I only wish I had something as helpful to say. We are praying for you and your family. Chris Hagen

  6. Hi Rick and Adele.

    I am so sorry for everything that both of you have been going through. I found out about a year ago and I did try to call you then with no luck. Adele was so good to when Chad was born and I will never forget it. I would like to make a meal for you sometime when it would be welcome. My phone number is 445-5540. Chad and I have switched churches and now go to Pine Grove Church in Bowmansville where Chad has his Youth Group and friends from school, but I miss everyone at First Church and will never forget your kindness. I have been praying for Adele and will continue to do so. Also, I see you have a little Ruby in your family now. Very cool.

    Ruby Barr Taylor

  7. Okay, Trying again to get a 'comment' to you. The news sounds overwhelming so I won't call and task you more to explain anything. The sitter thing, you know I am always here for Adele and will make time to take care of her any time you need me. We will be away to Florida the last week in April but after that we should be right around the corner for you...just a phone call away. Come talk with us any time. Much love and prayers, Bobbi
