Thursday, February 25, 2010

OK Already - The prayers are working

Wow what another day of way too many things happening. Adele had a haircut today, but bumped into the curb and killed a front tire. She called me and I got it changed and then we took the car to the garage to get it done.

Other things that happened were:

    1. Adele contacted the National Cancer Institute (NCI) and got plenty of great help there.
    2. Lucy from the insurance company called and told us to disregard (hallelujah) the refusal letter we will get. They have OK'd JH new request for a "Standard of Care" support.
    3. The garage called and we went back for the car.
    4. JH called, and Holly told us how they plan on getting the 4 donors to get their blood work to JH. Siblings first - then children.
    5. Adele pooped out with, oh my such a long day - and I was whooping it up Praising God for His answer to our prayers. She got up and joined in with me.
    6. I am warming supper and some of the small group are to be here tonight, they might watch us eat!
    7. Tomorrow is a repeat!

I am so happy for all that God has done for us today and in wonder at what He will do for us tomorrow!

Thank you for all the prayers!


  1. Awesome!! Obviously, we will keep praying for more good news!

    -Tom and Shannon

  2. Praise God!

    -Scott and Lisa B


  4. Dear Adele and Rick,
    My name is Jean and I’m a volunteer with the National Bone Marrow Transplant Link. Our organization helps patients, caregivers, and families cope with the social and emotional challenges of transplant by providing vital information and personalized support services. We subscribe to Google blog alerts, where we found your story.
    Please know that others are thinking of you and pulling for you! To learn more about our programs and services, please visit or call 800-546-5268.
    All the best!
    P.S. I'd like to send you a copy of our award-winning "Caregivers' Guide for BMT" if you send a mailing address to

  5. WOW!!! I'm so happy to hear that doors are opening. It's great how God sent you just what you needed in Tom and Adele's school friends just when you needed it most. I'm looking at the post that came in from the National Bone Marrow Transplant Link. A coincidence...I think not! I thank God for the lifting of your heavy hearts and pray that you will continue to feel His presence every day. May you have much joy from small blessings every day. Keep the faith and keep on fighting. The greatest blessing is that you have each other through this. It's hard to see the forest from the trees when your life seems to be upside down. Know that you are never alone and that you will prevail with God beside you. Sending love, hugs and kisses!
