Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Day 42 - Adele is HOME again

WE got home around 6 - had some homemade potato soup (Thanks Elaine) and I finished up the small amount of dish washing. Now we can read, TV, talk - whatever - without having to get into the car to get to each other. What a freeing experience this is.

Adele will be getting IVs twice a day for 10 more days - make sure we kill that infection. Home nursing is coming tomorrow 8:30 - 9 AM and planning on teaching me (the klutz) how to do this myself. Should be a cake walk.

Now to the relaxing! - Oh a new pic of Ruby and her mommy Julie just arrived..

Thanks all - Rick


  1. yes I pray the infection stays away. that is a beautiful picture, I assmue of your grandchildren

  2. Oh my word this picture is precious! I of course copied and pasted it into an email and sent it to lots of folks....those two could sell diapers!!! So glad Adele is home safe and sound! I'll be praying- enjoy being home together.
