Today is Mason's 5th birthday (family) party. A beautiful day outside, perfect sunny skies and fairly nice in temp - around 55 for today. We should be celebrating and joyful, but after a night of little sleep and worry about the doctor's call last night - Adele is still in bed - almost 9 AM.
The oncologist called last evening before supper and was a bit worried about some of Adele's blood work. Apparently the platelet levels are not coming up as well as he had hoped for. There was also confusion about what he said about the white cell count - she says 2,800, I say impossible without him wanting her in the hospital right away. Probably was 28,000 but without calling him, I will never know.
She is still planning to go to the party, but did say last night she will need to wear her mask. If that is all she needs, OK, but I am worried about her mental state right now. She just wants to go where I personally do not want to go.. I am the positive person in this partnership and want to know that this disease is gone, and these numbers are just a glitch.
Pray for her peace with waiting on the tests next week, and letting God take care of tomorrow.
Leave the phone calls to a bare minimum this weekend, she can call out if she wants. She needs rest, peace and something to take her mind off cancer more than anything else. Hopefully that is what the party today will do for her.
Thank you all - Rick
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