Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Day 63 - back to JH tonight

We are going to Deb C's house tonight to have an early start at John Hopkins and Adele's 60 day checkup, by my count about 4 days late. She will have many blood tests, bone marrow samples (from the hip bone) and probably CAT scans done. I offered to have her "cat scanned" here with Bathory, but she opted out of that scan.

She has had a good week so far, except for a possible "false positive" on the blood culture done last week. She had to go back and get it cultured Tuesday. That was the day she planned on getting blood work anyway, so it was no biggie, but mentally draining. She had a good discussion with Pastor Walter yesterday and seems contemplative since, but not depressed (hallelujah).

We will leave around 5 PM and stop at Cracker Barrel in Shrewsbury for dinner before getting to Pasadena MD and Debbie's house. Tomorrow morning we will probably start around 7:30 AM and join the rush hour to get to JH in downtown Baltimore. I will take the laptop and let you know what is going on as the day progresses.

Pray for good test results and a lack of any cancerous cells anywhere in her body. That is what I have been praying for all along, just want these tests to confirm it.

After this tests will be at 6 months and then yearly for five years, once we confirm all is going well.

Thank you all - Rick


  1. Hi there- thanks for the post. I called and left a message for Adele last evening, and got concerned when I didn't hear back. Good to know that things are going according to plan...I'll try to give a call sometime today before you leave if I can. Pass on my love! Beth

  2. Rick and Adele,

    Praying for both of you.

