Thursday, March 5, 2009

Day 43 - Emotions overflow

Today we had the VNA (Visiting Nurse Assoc) here and she taught me how to care for the PICC line they have for the antibiotics. Was easy to understand as I had cared for Adele's hickman and pheresis IV lines before this. The nurse showed us how with an extension, I could start the IV and Adele could disconnect it and flush it after if it was necessary. We plan on 7AM & 7PM for the IV, so I should be here at all of the times needed to start and finish the IV. Oh, didn't mention it is an hour long process for the IV to complete the infusion.

The VNA will be back Monday to get blood for the doctor and change the dressing.

Once the nurse left, and Adele was able to think about breakfast, she broke down and cried for awhile. I had a bowl of oatmeal with her, to stay with her and talk if she wanted to. She is just wanting so much to be "normal" again. I thought a trip Saturday outside the house would be good. We will see what she wants to do, and then try to do that.

Pray - as always - for strength.

Somsavath is going home Friday! I am sure that pleases him and Thip. Continue to pray for his healing and strength.

Thanks for everything - Rick

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