Although it has been great being home, Adele is still over cautious when thinking and worrying about germs getting to her. She took a drink from a plastic cup I was using on Friday, and then again on Saturday she drank from a bottle of water I might have opened for me. Of course she thinks she might get seriously ill from doing this, so the tears flowed during both times. I made mention that she should mark (with a sharpie) any bottle or cup she was using, and always make sure that she had the marked container. She thought it would be better to make sure she always leaves her drink at a special place? She is marking all her cups now.
Bathry (Bathory is my spelling) went to the vet for shots Friday, and we deferred from the partial live virus shot, so she might come home sooner. Dr Balepur (our oncologist) will make the decision if it is safe for her to come back home. Of course this all assumes that Bathry wants to come home. She has been pampered by Bob & Bobbie for the past 2 months and has gained a full pound of weight. Almost 10 years old and 9.4 pounds of fury!
Every day is a great day here and we are so happy to be back. A drive today in the Vette might settle aches to see other people and things for Adele. Her sister visited yesterday and we had a great time with her. Monday is blood work in Lancaster followed up by Tues and Wed appointments at the Lancaster Cancer Center for Doctor and treatment visits.
Pray for strength in Adele.
Our friend Somsavath is also making progress and getting better. He is still in ICU in Aek Udon Hospital. I heard he finally got on the phone to Jim and sounded much better. Pray for his continued recovery - he has a long road ahead of him. Pray also for Thip and Dido, his wife and son.
Thanks to all - Rick
I only started to read your blog since reading about it the church newsletter. I attend first church. I have a blog as well that i write about my family and myself and topics of interest at times. I am sorry to hear of your illiness but know that god is taking care of you and I pray that you will continue to get better. feel free to read my blog as well.