Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Day 27 is Over at last

We went to Dr Balepur this AM and found that he indeed wants to transfuse platelets into Adele. From the Cancer Center to the LG Hospital, over the bridge to the new section and the lab test for platelets. Then back to the oncology out patient section for the platelets. It took almost 2 hours for the platelets to arrive and then another 1 1/2 hours to transfuse them. We left the house this morning at 9:30 and got back at 3:30 this afternoon.

Now Dr Balepur said we could not get Bathry back until platelet counts were 50K or above, and for Adele to refrain from needle work for the same period. What did they do to get the test for platelets done?, but stick a needle into her arm, the person with low platelets and has a problem clotting! Duh - I guess I really need to be by her side 100% of the time.

Adele also set up appointments for blood draws every Tues and Fri through March 6th. That way Dr Balepur can watch the platelet counts closely.

Adele also will have Rituxan every Wed morning. So every Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday morning for the next (almost) 3 weeks, we will be going to Lancaster to either the Health Campus or the LG Hospital for platelets.

Drivers needed for Tues & Fri, only takes a small amount of time - please. With appointments, she can get there and back in 1 1/2 hours. Wednesdays are a need to drop her off sometimes, and pickup about 4 hours later, as she tends to read and sleep during this treatment.

Again - Thanks for all the help - Rick

Pray for Somsavath - It looks like he will have another 2 - 3 weeks in the hospital. He is doing much better, keep praying for him and Thip.


  1. Thanks so much for the blog update- I had been wondering about your day. I'll give a call tonight when I'm home. Sounds like it was a very long day, but that you got a LOT accomplished and set up for your road ahead at home. Talk later - love to you both - Beth

  2. Hi Adele and Rick. Not sure if you remember me, but I am a title 1 tutor, currently at Brecknock, but spent two different "terms" at Blue Ball. I just found out about your NHL and just wanted you to know I'm praying and if there's ANYTHING I can do, please tell me! In the meantime, I'll continue to be by your side "mentally". Bonnie Martin
