Friday, January 23, 2009

Day 2 at John Hopkins

Adele is feeling better today and is happy I am here today. I stayed through supper (Subway meal for me) and had a chance to talk with a friend we met earlier.

Dusty & Rich Garrison are going through something almost like Adele is, with Dusty's treatment being much shorter. She had 2 days of chemo and then got her own stem cells back. They were almost ready to leave Tuesday but she developed a urinary tract infection (seems most get it) and also a chest cold. The doctors decided to admit her to the hospital, 1 day before they were leaving for VA and home. She had been doing everything as an out patient. Rich just told me that they are enclosing her in a bubble and doing a treatment that takes 3 hours to complete, then the entire room needs to be cleaned before Rich can go in and be with her. He needs a space suit to be with her any other time. She gets these treatments maybe 4 times a day. So Rich does not get to spend too much time with her.

Pray for healing for Dusty, she would appreciate the help. Pray for strength for Adele as this stay at JH continues. The doctors this morning told her she is doing well.

Thanks to all - Rick & Adele

1 comment:

  1. Hi Rick & Adele,
    Hang in there! Glad to hear to drs think Adele is doing well. I don't know if you've ever seen this poem before, but I came across it when I was going thru treatments and I keep it by my desk.

    Cancer is so limited
    It cannot cripple love
    It cannot shatter hope
    It cannot corrode faith
    It cannot destroy peace
    It cannot kill friendship
    It cannot suppress memories
    It cannot silence courage
    It cannot invade the soul
    It cannot steal eternal life
    It cannot conquer the spirit.

    Praying for your return to health, Adele, and the courage and strength that you need each day. Love ya! Jamie
