Thursday, January 1, 2009

New Year's Day

Wow - what a day and it is only 1:30.. IPOP at 7:30 until 10 AM, then Jim & Shirley were here with supplies and a much needed visit from the "outside world". Then a discussion of fears, real and perceived.

Adele's counts are climbing! White cell count is way over doubled from yesterday (880 vs 380) while the packed cell volume (red cells) is even at 30.5 and the platelet count is 50 up from 21 yesterday. She did have 2 bags of platelets yesterday, so that might even out later?

She concentrated though on the elevation in liver counts, and the fact the doctor came to see her about them. 2 of the 3 liver counts have been elevated all along, while the third number has been elevated since Christmas. They are still climbing, though NOT at a level to be too concerned. We are looking at a 156 in one count while the doctor said a 1500 or higher would be very concerning The JH team will continue to monitor these numbers (as they do every day) as a precaution. Of course Adele is very emotional about this, and needs help seeing the "Big Picture" sometimes. That is what I am here for - and to remind her that God is in control.

We continue to thank God for everything He is doing for us, and all the support everyone is providing to us.

Thank You All - Rick

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