Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Day 6 and everything is as it should be

First off - Adele is very weary and has a problem doing anything right now, but that is exactly what the doctors expect at this stage. Her platelet count is very low, so she got a bag or two of platelets last night. Her white and red counts also are dropping yet. This is to be expected. A slight fever last night had the nurses calling the doctor, but it was not enough to do anything. The fever abated later, so they just continued to check her temp all night.

This morning she was told by a nurse that her symptoms are right in the middle of what they expect. She had about a 5 minute meeting with the doctors, as she is doing so well and going in the direction they expect. OR in other words - she feels so tired she does not want to do anything, is going to the bathroom often and eating and drinking slowly. She was told that the walking will help the counts get better, so I think she now has a reason to get in the hall and walk.

I am trying to clean up the mess at home, and work with customers today, so I can get back later this week. Too much to do in a short time, and I already want to get back to her. I am making Taco Soup for tonight and this week - maybe I will take some to Baltimore with me. Almost forgot, I drove the Regal down and on Sunday got a "Service Engine Soon" light, so I came home Monday afternoon instead of Wednesday late evening. The thermostat apparently decided to go bad while I was there. Also time for an oil change and inspection, so they are getting it done for me.

Prayers for Somsavath & Thip
Prayers for Adele's physical strength to return and the mucositis to subside. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mucositis for more explanation of what it is.

Thanks - Rick


  1. Hi- thanks for the update. What's up with Somsavath and Thip? I'm curious.... Beth

  2. Thanks for the info. You continue to be in our prayers. Rick, will you be home on Wednesday evening, if so why don't you come for dinner. Just let me know by noon.

  3. Rick, Ana and I keep you and Adele in our thoughts and prayers. Sorry we aren't closer to be able to offer help. Consider yourself hugged.
    Much love,
    Marge and Ana
