Friday, January 30, 2009

Day 9 Afternoon

Adele has been resting almost the entire day. She is getting morphine, finally when she needs it most, after a bathroom visit instead of a scheduled dose. That might allow her to get less and have more relief from the pain.

I will stay until 6 or so and then go shopping at Safeway for needed items. Then back to Debbie C's and the washer and dryer to get laundry done for Adele.

We will get out for another walk - she was able to walk for 8 minutes last time. Then she will get her supper soon and I can get going.

Thanks to the Lord for His Love. If you get the World Vision newsletter - there is an article about LCBC in this month's issue. Please read it while considering a child to sponsor.


1 comment:

  1. We're thankful the morphine is helping with the pain. We'll pray that your feelings are right about her counts coming up this weekend.
    Let her know we love her and are thinking about both of you.
    Love Elaine
