Today is a continuation of Tuesday and Wednesday, with busulfin being administered every 5 hours instead of every 6. Her body is metabolizing the drug as it should be, so there were no more blood draws or recalibrating the drug dose - just a continuation of the same.
She gets doctor visits every morning, before 9 AM, with 4 doctors every day so far. There is no further word on the removal of the pheresis port, although it can be done at any time, they are probably more concerned about infection than any thing else. IE, when is the best time to do the removal.
She called this morning, is doing fine, a bit unsteady from the drugs, but otherwise fine so far. Of course the doctors let her know the heavy duty stuff will start on Saturday - Cytoxan is a mean drug. Many people here have expressed surprise that she has not been nauseous with the Cytoxan she received before. I remember that she had mouth sores, but they can dull that pain with a mouth wash. Other than that she had nothing more than a general tiredness. In fact, a feeling of total exhaustion was her latest side effect from any Cytoxan.
Both of these are easy to tolerate, and she will be blessed if that is what happens this time also. Although she will be receiving the drug 4 days in a row, not just one dose as she received in the past.
Pray for minimum side effects and maximum effects on the cancer.
As always - Thanks for all the prayers of healing - Rick
Thanks for the post and the update. Many, many at Davisville are praying for her. Some have asked for a mailing address- can you let me know what that would be? I'll give a call later on today after school. I'm praying for easy side effects!