Friday, January 2, 2009

Peresis is Started!!!

This morning at IPOP the white counts shot up over 3000 more and after a long wait we were told that peresis would be started. Go get some food and be back in 45 minutes - that was our directions at 10:30.. Came back to the apartment, fed Adele Chili, yogurt and a roll. Got her back in time and then at noon they started the peresis machine going.

She will be hooked up to it until around 6:30 PM - Pray that all the stem cells needed can be harvested today!

She will need platelets again after peresis, so she will probably be there until 8 PM or so. Pray for strength of body and soul during this time!

I am registering her at 2 PM - but doing wash, eating lunch and blogging until 1 or so, when I need to get back to her and make sure she is OK... We might be able to leave tomorrow, but might elect to stay over until Sunday AM before going back to Ephrata and home. Admission was tentatively scheduled for Tuesday - might need to be put off a few days, or not - the doctors are in charge of those dates..

Thanks - Pray hard - this is an important day - and a long day for us.



  1. Thank you for the continued updates! We will continue to pray. God is good!

  2. This is SUCH an answer to prayer- and a miraculous one. I am so thankful that this day is finally here! Keep us posted, and we'll keep praying for strength for both of you.

  3. I appreciate the updates and specific ways to pray for both of you. Our thoughts, hearts, and prayers are with you on this journey.
